To be here with you by Zander Ford

Gates of consciousness flood open

And I am taken

To the Eternal divide

No longer

Can this humble human hide

Spirits doors flung wide

And so it is, in peace I reside


I tell you it’s insane

The path I’ve taken

For this singular gain

And so I hear

I had it easy too

Many lifetimes have I come and gone

To be here

With you

Form in the Formless by Zander Ford

This paradox

We call life

Seemingly impermanent

And yet

What is the wind to itself?

Without words

What are the songs of waves

Without their shores to play with?

What are the tree tops

Swaying at dawn

Without the radiance of firelight

To buttress  their existence?

And you

Friend, Brother, Sister, Father, Mother

What are you

Without your names?

Extra Attention by Zander Ford

These hands

Portals to unfolding delights

Makers of food, paint, and earthly rights

These hands

So strong and full of promise

What will you create today

In waves of soap bubbles and clay

These hands

So magnetic in nature

What will you manifest

Blessed creatures

And, where do you go,

When my attention is elsewhere?

Are you hungering for another

Pen to hold

Rock to toss

Stick to carve

Brush to bare?

What thoughts course thru your sinues

As you flex, stretch and press

Palms to floor

Tips to earths core?

As you radiate love

From one to another

Caress creases of old photos

And legs of your lover?

What sensations arise

And pass thru to me

As you dear hands,

Allow me to see?

To peer into tactile delight

To sense by touch all this hidden light

To hold on

To let go

What Dear hands

Are you yearning to know?

Pleasure makers

And heat seekers

Animated skin dancing across fleshy

Sensor fields of electric awareness.



Thank you for your gifts.

You and Me by Zander Ford

I am here now

With you


You came from the unknown

And will return there

And I


I have been with you all along

As you entered

I held your hand singing soft songs of blessing

As you out-grew your parents

I held you again

Reminded you I am here



You are looking back

Can you see me beside you

The whole way?

Can you see my light surrounding you

When you stubbed your toe

When you stayed

But really wanted to go?



Some day...

You will return to my arms

Golden light blended, folded

Entwined with the divine Sun

And you will again see

I was there with you all along

You and me





One simple thing by Zander Ford

She said to him

‘i love you’

And this time

It carried a different vibration

It floated to his knowing

On a mist of deep connection

On a whispered connection


Ripples feathers make

When Angels are flying off

Or floating above


Cary the same sound

Communicate the same love

And so it was

He came to understand

The love of another

Completely accepting

Completely approving

Completely connected

With Divine wonder of God

From the lips of a teacher

Who had



to find Knowing beyond

Depths of warm shallows

Knowing behind

The curtains

The veils of Mystery’s playhouse

Knowing that transcended it’s own knowing

She was not saying ‘I love you’

She was being Love. Her body, her mind, her essence was communicating and holding him in complete acceptance. Seeing in Him the pulsing, flair of a man, who is a wonderful contributing source of Divine’s art.

And you,


I only want to share with you one thing. One simple and infinitely beautiful thing.

I love you.

Wake up! she said. by Zander Ford

Wake up!

She said, stomping on my foot

Time to get to work

Helping others awake

In their own rightful little nook

Ouch! Ok ok...

Fine, I’ll get out of my way

And let you lead me

To the service, three good deeds for this day

Who can I heal?

Who needs my help?

What can I bring

To ease someone else?

How can I love today

In every direction

In every way?

You, over there

Let me carry your bag

May I push your cart?

Ease your burden,

I know, it’s just a start.

It will get easier

I promise I swear

Together it’s lighter

Much less to bare.

In service we find love

In love we find God

In God we find peace

In peace we find release

Wings on an altar by Zander Ford

She left her wings on my altar

And I

Lit incense to Cary them home

To light them amidst her cloud friends

To share the heavenly bittersweet love

That tastes so familiar

That tastes like home

And so it went

For several days

Her wings and I

Met to commune with the Divine



She came back for them

And now knows

What home tastes like


Let’s walk a while by Zander Ford

Two spirits met at a crossroads

One said: Hey, are you going my way?

The other: I think so, but I don’t actually know. Let’s walk for a while, give it a go.

And so off they went, merry in banter

Smelling flowers

Sharing food and life wine from golden decanters

And the stars rose to meet their wandering path

Amber skies lit their circadian roads

Smiling lunar orb of mystery and her dancing soul play of history traveled in song at their heels

And the whole scene was balanced in constellations once visited, now shrouded by early dawn’s lifting fog.

‘I don’t know. Let’s walk a while.’ She hummed in her head. And he, he smiled too.

An Ode To Spring by Zander Ford

Lilacs lover languidly 

My heart breaks forth 

Into songs of petals

Bursting with spring


Stored winter tears

Irrigate fuschia red

A Holy amber daisy glows golden

Iridescent winds pick this shimmer





A place of longing pulls

Deep within the earth 

A sacred place


Where shadows cast

The other within

Depth and surface


One and the same...

Yet totally different!!


Ah Spring forth

begin again


Sip thy sweet honey tea

bless’ed harmony





Rest by Zander Ford


In my arms

A while

Let me be your space

For nourishment

For nurturing

For complete relief

And safety

Come stay

In this place of beauty

Of vast openness

And acceptance

Where healing life-force

Blends like incense trails

With verdant plant vibration

In every direction

To envelop

Your everything

The sore places

The sweet ones

The in-between

The angry voices

The sad ones

The happy faces

And kissing graces

All are welcomed here


These arms

This spirit

This simple space

Envelop your everything

Your entire person


By my love

By Deep Understanding

By appreciation and


For it is my deepest pleasure

To love you

As I have learned to love myself

Let this shared safe space of manifest


Co-created magical golden radiance


And Nourish



Your Beautiful sweet human body

Wonderful caring mind

Your loving heart

Your Divine fragment of God-light

Your radiant immortal Spirit

Let them


To love you more fully by Zander Ford

I do not seek to be special

I do not seek your love

I do not seek to be held higher than you,

Him, or Her

I only seek

To love you more fully

So that

We may understand

What it’s like

To rest again

In God’s cupped hands

Floating on top of His still-pooled

Cool embrace

Of Union

With All

Integration by Zander Ford


Of these so many parts



Piece at a time

And then

The tapestry is revealed

Only to be taken back

By its maker

For further refinement

The self that wasn’t by Zander Ford

This Self,

I thought was

Was not

Threads of others

Woven into me

Stitched so delicately


Weaver’s Son

I learn

Their time has come

To be un-woven



I choose

To thread strings of grace

Of ease


And Daring

To Embrace

To hold others

As my lovers

To share time

In dance

And rhyme

To spread joy





Radiant Spirit Force

Sent here from above

Time to share your gifts

They’re ripe

The fruit falls heavy


And be wealthy

Sacred mirror by Zander Ford

This sacred mirror

I dance with

Shares insights daily

She leans into me

Becomes me

And let’s me peek

Under her skirt

Into the wide open

Feminine fierce beauty

That radiates life

Her essential origin

That home that is the birthplace of all


Of all homecoming

And the birthplace of death itself

This Sacred Mirror I dance with

Meets me wherever I go

She let’s me in

As I do her

The more I learn to accept her reflections

The more I begin

To love

That which she represents

Copulating with Yin/Yang by Zander Ford


I dove

Into the sweet undergrowth

Of my lung-space

The tangled and barbed hooks

Of yesterday’s remorse


I twisted, turned, cut, trimmed and mended

The places

I’d Long abandoned


I made space

For the Light

To penetrate

New ground


And I am sowing

Seeds there

That will someday

Be trees larger than those seen

On earth


Trees with roots that penetrate all the way to the center

To the molten core

Roots of shimmering light and solid steel

Roots that love their substrate

Who loves them back

And spires

Ahhhh the spores

They are so magical

Rays of light shooting to heaven

In holy communion with her love

Ecstatic bliss, oasis of intimate connection

Making love

Having sex

Constantly copulating with the sky, Clouds, and Heavenly Bodies

Swirling tangled in her branches

Tickling her Crown

Delicate Beauty by Zander Ford

Delicate Beauty


Were you hiding in the shadows?

What course took you to hide your


Was it the lash of

Father’s tung?

The flash of muzzle fire

Spit from disapproval

The fear of death

Induced by pain?

Delicate Beauty

I am here

To help you

See life again

To help you flourish

In the shelter of these strong arms

To provide love

To those parts of you

Long abused

Now infused

With giant force

Of intricate

Fierce knowing

You once knew

And now...

Bloom into

As an adult

Full of radiance

Full of your power

Full of your own right to be

The Beauty

You you wish to see

Well honed by Zander Ford

Her smile

Captured my attention

Wisdom flower child

10,000 moments of bliss

Engraved on the lines of her sun aged cheeks

Pearly white blocks of human absorption

Shone like so many light bulbs

Each one a doorway into her

Radiant life

She has now


With me

One flash

Of a well honed


Resemblance by Zander Ford

The prism smashed

Ten thousand fragments

Found their way to me in a dream

And I ...


Let them scatter

Flew across my sky of mind

And sent their messages

Flying as one light

Shimmering brilliantly

Above my spirit body as I lay


By their distinct resemblance

Of God

Seeds for your garden by Zander Ford


The flower planted so long ago,

Bloomed in my heart this morning

It was spring


So I offered her some sunshine




And she blossomed fully

Opened up before my eyes, bloomed a beautiful yellow blossom

As the season of mourning went forward,

Her petals fell

Her roots deep in my soul

Found their time had been spent



Returned their crushed stone and blood


To form

A new earth

From that same soil

That same earth

A new flower


I got to know recently

Her name

Is Love

She sprouted so close after Fear

I almost couldn’t tell the difference

But then

I saw her glow

And knew


Was a different one

A special kind

Iridescent hues

Brilliant cobalt blues

Amazing oranges

Glimmering golds

Snow white whites

Every color

A Godly radiance

Encircling her

And I knew


She was special

So, before she left

To return her glow to my soil

I took a few seeds

Stored them in a cool dry airy place

And when the soils were ready, fertile, ripe, alive...

I planted her seeds

Messengers of hope

Ángels of radiance

And now,

My garden,

Is sown

As a tribute to God’s own Beauty

A Temple grounds

To delight in

To stroll through

As I please

To invite friends over for tea

So that they too

Can gather seeds

For their gardens